Monday 10 December 2012


Friday was a good day, I tied up a few lose ends in preparation for the big announcement and now I just need to wait...for the "big news" to come alive in January. December is going to be a busy and exciting month!

In my last post I spoke of heading out into the wilderness. A few of our friends packed up and we headed into a camp deep in the woods. Nice big snowflakes made it's way down and covered the trees. It wasn't cold enough to warrant wearing my new mitts, but I'm sure there will be many days in the near future to test them out.

I find whenever we go to the camp I feel so serene. By the end of our camping trip I was saying oh that tree is so..(everybody blurts out BEAUTIFUL)  But really, how else would you describe it? The way the snow covers the trees is beautiful, the sunset is beautiful, the sound of the fire is beautiful, the way the water freezes as it trickles down the jaded surface of the rock is beautiful, the sound of complete silence that comes from being deep within the woods is beautiful..everything is beautiful! Okay, maybe I could have mixed up the words a little and said, amazing, picturesque, blah blah blah..but the word that best describes such a scene is BEAUTIFUL!

My favorite part of the weekend was the crackling of the wood as it burned in the fire, that sound makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Why do I feel such an intense happiness being around a fire?  Maybe it's the memories of sitting by the fire with my family waiting  to countdown the New Year,  maybe it was all the campfires I sat around as I hypnotically starred at the fire enjoying the company of friends laughing and singing, maybe it's the warmth that the fire  gives us when we feel our limbs are about to fall off. All I know is fire is..beautiful. It gives us light, warmth and brings people together. 

While the fire was beautiful and we felt warm for the night. I pondered how the 4 elements (earth, fire, water and air) brings me so much peace. My mother once asked me if you could be anywhere, where would you be?  My answer was put me near water, and give me a fire and I could stay there forever. Since I was little, water brought me so much happiness. We can't find that kind happiness in a store, at a bar, watching TV or in a bag of chips. The kind of happiness you find in nature is life changing and powerful.

My Parents took me to this place McMichael last summer. It was amazing to see how each artist interpreted nature. I love how each artist had an appreciation for the subtle changes in nature,the light from the sun hit a branch in a different way, or the wind blew the leaves around, or an animals created a hole near a tree. Each moment created a new painting. How beautiful would life be if we noticed these subtle changes in our surroundings? How often do we take time out of our busy schedules to admire how truly beautiful nature is? I am lucky to have parents who took the time to  show me how exciting nature is. Now that I am older I can seek out this happiness and know that this kind of happiness exists. I feel rejuvenated and lucky. I am also  lucky to have found my soulmate in life who shares that same intense love of nature. He in fact introduced me to a painting from group of 7 when I first met him. I remember pointing and saying who painted that? his reply, didn't you ever hear of the group of 7? my reply "nope"  The art from the group of 7 has shown me that life happens right before our eyes, we just have to be patient and in the moment to experience it.

So My weight loss journey continues. I believe I will achieve my goal in May but, to get to that point I need to make time for the little things in life. One day at a time. - this blog will not only be about weight. There is so much more to life than weigh loss. As my friend heather once described -She realized life is like trying to find balance while sitting on an exercise ball, there is always that sweet spot on "the ball of life" you just have to do the work to find it.

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