Monday 21 January 2013

All better!

Extra Extra, read all about it! I'm feeling better. So I'm going back to blogging on a more consistent manner. This weekend I went to the winter cabin, deep in the woods. Where you never hear a car, the stars shine brights because there is not light pollution and I sleep like a log. Yes, the wilderness is a great place to rejuvenate.

I woke up this morning with a determination like no other. After taking my shower I realized that my skin is starting to show my age. Thise means I need to start wearing foundation on a regular basis. This chips into my early routine of hitting the snooze button 3 I will hit it 2 times. I am not a huge fan of make up, but every little bit helps.

My 8 year anniversary is coming up on February 3rd. That leave me with 14 days...I will work my ass off till then! While I realize this whole weight loss thing is a lifestyle...I am creating a mini goal of doing 30 minutes every day on the elliptical and I will see and feel a difference by then. I realize I've said this on many occasions, so feel free to check back on the Feb 3rd to see if I've followed through with my hear me roar moment of "I can do this"...cause really, I can....or you can continue to follow me regularly to hear about how great this new routine is going!! Next week I plan on heading back to the gym during my lunch hour at minimum 3 days a week to do weights. My goal is, if I am doing cardio at home I can skip my cardio at the gym and go straight to the weights. So that is my plan. This morning I had a nice bowl of cottage cheese with mixed berries and nuts. one good decision down, 3 zillion more to go! Hope you have a wonderful day and remember, you still have time to be part of my 300 likes giveaway on my 2dash3 page! If you like one of a kind, handmade pieces please take a look see and message me if you have any questions or requests.

Here is an interesting article about why we should drink water.

After reading this article I will incorporate more's not like I didn't know that I should be drinking more water...It just clicks in my head that maybe I should be drinking more water after reading the above article...i'm going to the water cooler right now!..eating nom nom

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