Tuesday 22 January 2013


Drum Roll Please! At 10:00pm last night I jumped on the elliptical for 30 minutes took my shower then couldn't sleep till after 1:00am. I presume working out so late is part of the culprit for my need to stay up so late...but I will find my grove once I do this for a month...or so. 

I am once again feeling my inner roar to do what needs to be done. I need to take smaller bites and realize one day at a time is all I need to worry about. If I do my 30 minutes today, eat proper meals today, follow what my inner voice is telling me today, things should eventually fall into place exactly where I need them to be (in more ways than one).

This morning I had some blueberries, grapes, cottage cheese with a dab of yogurt. It was FAAAANtastic! But for some reason I feel the urge to buy the entire contents of the cafeteria downstairs and then proceed to eat it. I have resorted to a cup of water. Because of my quick thinking, that feeling has subsided ...I have no idea where that urge came from...maybe its' cause I'm sleepy..

As of late I've been taking my consumption of water a little more seriously..apparently we NEED it.

The only part of this image I found on the internet that I don't entirely agree upon is the cold water part. While it might help to increase metabolism. It's much better to drink water at room temperature. Why might you ask? Water that is closer to body temperature can be used by your body much quicker. This is vital if you have been exerting yourself and need hydrated. As well if you feel like eating the entire content in the cafeteria downstairs...I've proven it can help...water, the miracle food.

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