Wednesday 2 January 2013


With Christmas and New Years Celebration behind me. I stepped on the scale this morning to my surprise I  lost 1 pound, I would like to add I'm sick as a dog with a cold. I've been drinking lots of turmeric and ginger heated up with almond milk. It doesn't taste like candy in a cup but it works.

This cold is horrible. I woke up this morning with a pain in my left ear and a cough that wouldn't quit. I have not been able to workout because between coughs and sleep my body is using enough energy. I have been losing sick pounds which is not the way to go. As soon as I start to feel better I will start my workouts. I caved and bought some cold medicine....I don't have the patience with this ear ache..sorry Turmeric and ginger...but I will continue to use you in conjunction with Buckley's and Benelyn.

Now that I've shared with you my sickness woes, I will share with you my thoughts for 2013- Ralph Emerson says it nicely-  I keep feeling like circumstances come in the way of what I want in life. It's easy to be like a free floating stick in a creek and allow life to throw whatever it wants at you. But like my parent use to tell me, "Don't be the stick that gets carried away with the stream, be the stone that the water caresses as it rushes over you" This year, will be my year. I will be the person I decide to be- change can be hard, especially when you are use to a certain way of being but,  if I'm not happy with the outcome, the only person who can change it is me. My grandfather passing away has brought me more realization of what family is and how important is to me. Seeing everybody and feeling so much happiness around them made me realize that we can lead our separate lives but we need to make time for those we love. Time slips between our fingers and we have no way of stopping or rewinding time, but we can make the most of our moments. I don't have control over everything, but the things I do, I will change. I wish each and everyone of you a Happy New year. Take the time to let those you love know how important they are to you, it only takes seconds- People will always remember you based on your actions, you can THINK you tell them enough how much you love them, you can THINK whatever about yourself, but in the end your actions will dictate to the world who you were.  

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