Tuesday 4 December 2012

Take a look see!

Last night I did my 30 minutes on the elliptical (the picture below was taken last week). At the 20 minute mark I felt like I wanted to stop. I kept on going , stopping is not an option! 30 minutes was my goal and I intended on finishing my workout. Felt good to defeat the tiny voice in my head that tells me  it's okay to stop.** if I felt that I was doing more harm then good I would have stopped**

This elliptical was given to me by a friend. He had no use for it. I took it reluctantly (yet grateful) because I never liked the elliptical, I was dead set on getting a treadmill. Turns out I enjoy the elliptical and the treadmill is actually pretty hard on my knees. Thanks for the elliptical Mike!

Look at me go! 
I was going to take a picture of the sweat on my forehead but decided against it after seeing all my fish lips photos. It was a sweat well earned! I also wanted to reflect the intensity of my workout... Duly noted, self portraits will not be part of this blog.

I made this for supper last night in my pressure cooker. 

-One organic chicken given to us by my boyfriends parents (taste so much better then regular)
sauteed some garlic and ginger then drizzled it all over the chicken and vegetables and a dash of 5 spice, salt and pepper. I did not brown the chicken prior to putting it in the pressure cooker, hence the over all appearance of the skin pulling away .. it was yummy and healthy!

After we ate supper,  I removed the chicken from the bones and made some stock. Once the stock was ready, we put the pot in the fridge so all the fat congeals at the top. Before we make the soup we remove the fat (a tip my mother taught me) Tonight we (and by we I mean my boyfriend) will make a big pot of soup. His soups are pretty amazing!...off to workout my arms!- come back later if you would like to read about my workout tonight, I will share it on Facebook and twitter but remember you can subscribe by email as well.


Did my arms workout (see previous post) and decided to add this to my workout today- I found this image on the internet just so you can have a visual.- I've decided I need to work my obliques so I can be re-acquainted with my waist

side bend press

I would like to try these ab exercises as well!
I like doing ab work standing up. These moves looks right up my alley!

went to my sisters last night, had such a good time that my intended time of arrival to do my workout never happened..well worth it! I did my arm so it was not a day lost really....I'll do some cardio at lunch today to make up for last night!

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