Saturday 12 January 2013

Universe conspires

Today I am feeling better! I was debating to start working out, I mulled over if I should do 20 minutes tonight because really, a good sweat would do my body some good. My boyfriend is working today and I thought to myself, Perfect, I'll take the bus to a stop that is closer to his work and I'll walk the rest of the way. Well, turns out my bus pass was left at home and I need to walk the whole way. This will be about a 45 minute walk. I cringed at the thought of walking that long with my sore neck and somewhat recovered self. But what a way to break me back into the workout world. I won't be working up a sweat but I'm sure the walk will do my body some good. Turns out the weather is beautiful, I have my new winter boots on my feet and some great winter gloves to make sure warmth is not an issue.

It's crazy how things happen when the time is right. My parents always say to me. Things happen in it's own time. I sometimes get frustrated and impatient but patience truly is a virtue. When the time is right all things come your way...


Well, it's the next day and that walk was about 45 minutes...night time, about to watch The American Horror story...


It is now the next morning. Finding time to write and the silence within is hard when you are getting over the flu. Well, the apartment is quiet and I have found the time. The past few weeks have been moments of  pure reflection. From the death of my grandfather to my amazing family gathering to getting sick flu and then to top it all off, lost my bus pass- which tuned out to be a bit of a luxury for me because I got a ride to work!
But today I am feeling 85 percent better, but a 175 percent better than when I was sick during the holidays. I   would like to start doing 20 minutes on the elliptical. But right now i'm going to work on a necklace. I was given a pendant to make a necklace with. I will post pictures of that as well once it's finished. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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